Martial Abilities

From Library of Metzofitz

Martial Disciplines and Martial Traditions (Initiator)

Martial Ability Discipline Level Category Type Description
Aerial Dash Spark of Battle 6 Maneuver Boost You launch yourself through the air at unprecedented speed, unfettered by earthly bonds.
Air Step Spark of Battle 2 Maneuver Boost You kick off with such force that you’re able to briefly step on air like solid ground.
Armaments of the Empire Radiant Dawn 3 Stance Improve you and your allies weapon with a veil of akasha.
Awaken the Sleeper Radiant Dawn 7 Maneuver Boost Embolden an ally for a brief moment.
Backfist Spark of Battle 1 Maneuver Strike You sacrifice accuracy for speed and ferocity, following up your attack with a fierce punch.
Bad Karma Cursed Razor 2 Maneuver Counter An opponent that targets you must succeed at a Will save or become cursed and take a –4 penalty to d20 rolls for 1d4 rounds.
Battle Against the Sun Radiant Dawn 6 Stance Become like the sun and strike down foes with solar flares.
Blade of Breaking Scarlet Throne 1 Maneuver Strike Make a disarm or sunder attempt against an opponent’s weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Blade of Perfection Scarlet Throne 6 Maneuver Strike Melee attack unerringly hits and ignores damage reduction.
Bladestrike Spark of Battle 1 Maneuver Counter You deflect an opponent's weapon, damaging it in the process.
Call the Soul's Blade Sleeping Goddess 1 Maneuver Boost Create a weapon of ideals or empower your mind blade.
Charged Wheel Spark of Battle 5 Maneuver Strike You make a single attack against each opponent within your melee reach, dealing additional electrical damage.
Circular Stance Scarlet Throne 1 Stance Flankers do not receive combat bonus against you when flanking
Crushing Thunder Spark of Battle 2 Maneuver Strike You lean into your blow, potentially dazing your enemy.
Curving Ray Shot Solar Wind 1 Maneuver Strike Roll Perception check against target’s AC, negate cover for this attack
Dazing Attack Scarlet Throne 3 Maneuver Strike Make a melee attack, strike inflicts +2d6 points of damage and may daze enemy.
Decree of Vengeance Radiant Dawn 8 Maneuver Counter You or an ally may initiate a strike against a target who has attacked you, healing in the process.
Descending Sunset Strike Scarlet Throne 8 Maneuver Strike Make a Sense Motive check, strike does quadruple damage.
Doublestrike Spark of Battle 2 Maneuver Strike You follow your successful attack with a damaging backswing.
Electric Pinwheel Spark of Battle 8 Maneuver Strike Alternating between weapon attacks and unarmed strikes, you tear into your foe with a cartwheel of electrically charged attacks.
Electric Roll Spark of Battle 2 Maneuver Boost Your successful Acrobatics check allows you to hurtle across the battlefield like a bolt of lightning.
Electric Slide Spark of Battle 1 Maneuver Boost You move through your opponent's space, tripping them in the process.
Electric Thrust Spark of Battle 4 Maneuver Strike A powerful thrusting attack creates a burst of electrical energy.
Eye of the Storm Spark of Battle 1 Stance You can spark more easily in combat.
Final Blow Scarlet Throne 6 Maneuver Strike Make a melee attack; if foe is below 25% of maximum hit points, target is slain.
Flashcut Spark of Battle 1 Maneuver Strike The speed of your attack dazzles your opponent.
Forked Lightning Spark of Battle 3 Maneuver Strike Your attacks move with such speed that you strike twice before a foe can blink.
Form of Thunder Spark of Battle 6 Stance Enter a stance that causes your body to vibrate with the power of an unleashed thunderstorm.
Garnet Lance Scarlet Throne 2 Maneuver Strike Melee attack inflicts an additional 2d6 points of damage and ignores damage reduction.
Grounding Rod Spark of Battle 3 Maneuver Counter Your successful Acrobatics check allows you to absorb and redirect an electrical attack.
Harsh Light of Day Radiant Dawn 7 Maneuver Strike A strike that reveals an enemy’s true form.
Heavenly Blade of the Scarlet Throne Scarlet Throne 9 Maneuver Strike Make a melee attack, if successful, add an additional 100 points of damage to your weapon damage and enemy is left paralyzed.
Inarguable Presence of the Sleeping Goddess Sleeping Goddess 5 Stance You ignore immunity to mind-affecting effects and gain a 20% miss chance against attacks
Incandescent Strike Spark of Battle 4 Maneuver Strike Your energized blow blinds nearby foes.
Internal Dominion of the Sleeping Goddess Sleeping Goddess 3 Stance Once per round, you can reroll a failed saving throw or force an opponent to reroll an attack roll.
Iron Knuckle Broken Blade 4 Boost For the duration of the turn, unarmed and discipline weapon strikes inflict an additional 4d6 points of damage.
Judgement Day Radiant Dawn 9 Maneuver Strike Render judgement upon all within your presence.
Lightning Parry Stance Spark of Battle 5 Stance Once per round you may make an Acrobatics check to deflect a melee or ranged attack.
Lightning Strikes Spark of Battle 6 Maneuver Boost Your weapons strike so rapidly they tear through steel like tissue.
Noble Blade Scarlet Throne 4 Maneuver Boost +5 to attack roll and +2d8 to damage roll on a single melee attack.
Oakrender Spark of Battle 8 Maneuver Strike You make a single attack that strikes with the force of a dozen lightning bolts, shattering armor, flesh, and earth alike.
Ozone Shimmer Spark of Battle 5 Stance Your rapid movements make it difficult to discern your exact location.
Prince’s Attitude Scarlet Throne 1 Maneuver Boost +4 AC against attacks of opportunity while moving, +2 bonus to Reflex and Will saves until next turn.
Push the Advantage Radiant Dawn 7 Maneuver Counter An ally gains a standard action and heals after defeating a foe.
Red Zephyr’s Dance Scarlet Throne 4 Maneuver Strike Each successful melee attack allows the martial disciple to move 10 ft. and make an additional attack.
Red Zephyr’s Fleetness Scarlet Throne 6 Maneuver Boost Add +30 ft. to your movement for the round and 50% miss chance on incoming attacks.
Red Zephyr’s Strike Scarlet Throne 1 Maneuver Strike Make a melee attack, then make an immediate 10-ft. movement.
Regal Blade Scarlet Throne 2 Maneuver Boost Add +2 to attack roll and +1d8 to damage roll on a single melee attack.
Riddle of Iron Scarlet Throne 5 Maneuver Strike Melee attack that inflicts an additional 5d6 points of damage and dazes a target for one round.
Riddle of Steel Scarlet Throne 8 Maneuver Strike Make a melee attack, strike inflicts an additional 10d6 points of damage and stuns target for 1d4 rounds.
Rising Zenith Strike Scarlet Throne 2 Maneuver Strike Make a Sense Motive check, strike does double damage.
Royal Blade Scarlet Throne 7 Maneuver Boost +5 to attack roll and +5d8 to damage roll on a single melee attack, potentially cowering foe.
Ruby Battle Lord’s Strike Scarlet Throne 7 Maneuver Strike Make a full attack at a single target using full base attack bonus for each attack with a +2 insight bonus.
Ruby Zenith Strike Scarlet Throne 5 Maneuver Strike Make a Sense Motive check, strike does triple damage.
Sands of Time Stance Riven Hourglass 1 Stance You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Reflex Saves
Sanguine Barrier Scarlet Throne 2 Maneuver Counter Make a Sense Motive check to block an attack.
Sanguine Perfection Scarlet Throne 5 Maneuver Counter Temporarily overcome negative condition ailments.
Sanguine Perseverance Scarlet Throne 4 Maneuver Counter Use Sense Motive in place of relevant save on saving throw.
Sanguine Proclamation Scarlet Throne 7 Maneuver Strike Powerful attack that inflicts an additional 10d6 points of damage and potentially knocks the target prone.
Scarlet Duelist Attitude Scarlet Throne 6 Stance Add +5 insight modifier to AC and Initiative.
Scarlet Einhander Scarlet Throne 1 Stance +2 shield bonus to AC and +1d6 damage on attacks when fighting with one weapon
Scarlet Eye’s Perception Scarlet Throne 3 Maneuver Boost Next melee attack is resolved as a touch attack.
Scarlet Majesty Stance Scarlet Throne 8 Stance Enemies must make a Will save to attack you.
Scarlet Riposte Scarlet Throne 5 Maneuver Counter Make a Sense Motive check opposing an enemy’s attack roll, if successful, block the attack then make an immediate counter attack inflicting an additional 3d6 points of damage.
Scything Strike Scarlet Throne 1 Maneuver Strike Make a melee attack on two adjacent enemies as a single attack.
Skyscream Spark of Battle 5 Maneuver Strike You leap into the air and descend blade first towards your opponent with such speed that the air itself screams in protest.
Skyscream Dance Spark of Battle 8 Maneuver Strike Your skyscream attack strikes with enough force to launch you into the air for another attack.
Soaring Falcon Flurry Spark of Battle 7 Maneuver Strike Leaping into the air, you unleash a flurry of attacks that send rippling shockwaves through the air.
Sparking Blow Spark of Battle 1 Maneuver Strike Your rapid strike creates a shower of electric sparks, dealing minor electrical damage to a foe and increasing your accuracy against armored opponents.
Spin Kick Spark of Battle 4 Maneuver Strike You follow up your weapon attack with a powerful kick.
Spoils of War Radiant Dawn 1 Stance Heals your allies when they attack your enemies.
Stance of Storms Spark of Battle 7 Stance You can airstep for extended periods and travel overland at extreme speeds.
Stance of the Sunlight Shield Radiant Dawn 5 Stance Create akashic shields to defend allies.
Stigmata of Storm Spark of Battle 9 Maneuver Strike Your rapid attacks strike with the speed and ferocity of a lightning storm, piercing your foes limbs and leaving bleeding wounds in their wake.
Strike of Defeat Scarlet Throne 3 Maneuver Strike Make a melee attack against a foe, deals additional damage based on current hit points.
Sun's Zenith Radiant Dawn 8 Stance Lose ability to invest essence in maneuvers, but gain scaling essence to maneuvers as you expend maneuvers.
Sundered Falcon Swing Spark of Battle 4 Maneuver Strike Create shockwaves of air that disrupt aerial opponents.
Temporal Body Adjustment Riven Hourglass 4 Maneuver Counter You negate anyone negative condition that currently affects you.
The Caged Sun Radiant Dawn 1 Stance Turn your healing inwards to become a formidable warrior.
Thunder Parry Spark of Battle 2 Maneuver Counter You counter a foe’s melee attack with such force that they are blown backward.
Thunder Walk Spark of Battle 3 Maneuver Boost You step with such force that adjacent foes must succeed on an Acrobatics check or fall prone.
Thunder’s Fury Spark of Battle 7 Maneuver Strike You make three vicious thrust attacks that explode with thunderous force.
Tyrant's End Radiant Dawn 8 Maneuver Strike A blow that crushes all defenses.
Unavoidable Gaze of the Sleeping Goddess Sleeping Goddess 6 Stance You do not need to make Perception checks to notice creatures within 60 feet, gain a bonus on initiative checks, and can read the thoughts of those around you by expending psionic focus.
Unfettered Movement Scarlet Throne 3 Stance Gain an additional +10 ft. to base speed, +4 bonus to AC vs. attacks of opportunity.
Unimpeachable Authority of the Sleeping Goddess Sleeping Goddess 8 Stance Your presence causes opponents to become shaken, and you can focus your attention to panic an opponent for one round.
Volt Dance Spark of Battle 3 Maneuver Counter You instantly travel to the source of an electrical attack.
Weeping Scarlet Razor Scarlet Throne 4 Maneuver Strike Arterial strike that inflicts an additional 4d6 points of damage and grants the bleeding condition on the target.