Psionic Items
Psionic items are imbued with mental energy, wielded against foes, and often taken from the corpses of fallen enemies. Psionic characters can create their own psionic items, should they feel so inclined and invest in the appropriate choices.
Just as magic items are broken down into categories, so too are psionic items. Psionic items are divided between armor, weapons, cognizance crystals, dorjes, power stones, psicrowns, psionic tattoos, and universal items. In addition, there are some psionic items which are of such tremendous power that they are classified as artifacts. There are both major and minor psionic artifacts, some of which are detailed in this chapter.
To use a psionic item, it must be activated, although sometimes activation is accomplished simply by picking up an item or putting it on. Some items, once they are carried or worn, function constantly. In most cases, using an item requires a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. By contrast, power completion items (see below) are treated just like powers in combat and do provoke attacks of opportunity.
Activating a psionic item is a standard action unless the item description indicates otherwise. The manifesting time of a power is the time required to activate the same power in an item, whether it’s a power stone, a dorje, or a psionic tattoo, unless the item description specifically states otherwise.
The four ways to activate psionic items are described below.
Power Completion: This is the activation method for power stones. A power stone holds a power that is mostly finished. All that’s left to do is perform the short, simple, finishing parts of the manifestation (the final mental coda, as it were). To use a power completion item safely, a character must be of high enough level in the appropriate class to manifest the power already. If he can’t already manifest the power, there’s a chance he’ll make a mistake (see Brainburn in the power stone description). Activating a power completion item is a standard action and provokes attacks of opportunity exactly as manifesting a power does.
Powers stored in power completion items are usually not augmented, because the manifester level of such an item is assumed to be the minimum necessary to manifest the stored power. However, an item’s description may specify otherwise (some power stones have manifester levels higher than the minimum required to manifest the stored power, and are assumed to be augmented).
Power Trigger: This is the activation method for dorjes and psicrowns. It requires the special knowledge of power manifestation that a character of the appropriate class would know, and the formation of the appropriate command thought. If a power is on a character’s power list, the character knows how to use a power trigger item that stores that power. The user must still determine what power is stored in the item before she can activate it. Activating a power trigger item is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Powers stored in power trigger items are not augmented. Such powers are assumed to be stored in the item at the minimum manifester level necessary to manifest the power. However, certain items may specify a higher manifester level than necessary. If such an item holds a power that deals hit point damage, the power is assumed to be augmented to the maximum allowed by the power and the manifester level.
Command Thought: If no activation method is suggested either in the psionic item description or by the nature of the item, assume that a command thought is needed to activate it. Command thought activation means that a character mentally projects a thought, and the item activates. No other special knowledge is needed. Activating a command thought psionic item is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Sometimes the command thought to activate an item is mentally imprinted within it and is whispered into the mind of a creature who picks it up. Other items are silent, but a Knowledge (psionics) or Knowledge (history) check might be useful in helping to identify command thoughts. A successful DC 30 check is needed to come up with the command thought in this case. The power detect psionics reveals command thoughts if the properties of the item are successfully identified.
Powers stored in command thought items are usually not augmented, because the manifester level of such an item is assumed to be the minimum possible to manifest the stored power.
Use-Activated: This type of psionic item simply has to be used to activate. Use activation is generally straightforward and self-explanatory.
Many use-activated items are objects that a character wears. Some items made for wearing must still be activated.
Although this activation sometimes requires a command thought (see above), usually it means mentally willing the activation to happen (a free action). The description of an item states whether a command thought is needed in such a case.
Unless stated otherwise, activating a use-activated psionic item is either a standard action or not an action at all and does not provoke attacks of opportunity, unless the use involves performing an action that provokes attacks of opportunity in itself. If the use of the item takes time before a psionic effect occurs, then use activation is a standard action. If the item’s activation is subsumed in its use and takes no extra time, use activation is not an action at all.
Use activation doesn’t mean that if you use an item, you automatically know what it can do. You must know (or at least guess) what the item can do and then use the item to activate it, unless the benefit of the item comes automatically.
Powers stored in use-activated items are usually not augmented, because the manifester level of such an item is assumed to be the minimum possible to manifest the stored power.
Saving Throws Against Psionic Item Powers[edit]
Psionic items produce psionic powers. The DC of a saving throw against a power from a psionic item is always 10 + the level of the power or effect + the ability modifier of the minimum ability score needed to manifest that level of power.
Another way to figure the same number is to multiply the power’s level by 1½ and add 10 to the result.
Psicrowns are an exception to the rule. Treat the saving throw as if the wielder manifested the power, including manifester level and all modifiers to save DC.
Some psionic items take advantage of the fact that powers can be augmented to increase their saving throw DCs. These items are special and have their cost to create and market price calculated using the manifester’s level instead of the power’s level.
Most item descriptions give saving throw DCs for various effects, particularly when the effect has no exact power equivalent (making its level otherwise difficult to quickly determine).
Damaging Psionic Items[edit]
A psionic item doesn’t need to make a saving throw unless it is unattended, it is specifically targeted by the effect, or its wielder rolls a natural 1 on his saving throw. Psionic items should always get a save against powers or spells that might deal damage to them—even against attacks from which a mundane item would normally get no chance to save. All types of psionic item saves— Fortitude, Reflex, and Will—are calculated the same way: The item’s saving throw bonus equals 2 + ½ its manifester level (round down). The only exceptions to this rule are intelligent psionic items, which make Will saves based on their own Wisdom scores.
A psionic item, unless otherwise noted, takes damage as a normal item of the same type. A damaged psionic item continues to function, but if it is destroyed, all its psionic power is lost.
Repairing Psionic Items[edit]
Some psionic items (especially psionic weapons and shields) may take damage over the course of an adventure. It costs no more to repair a psionic item with the Craft skill than it does to repair its nonpsionic counterpart. The make whole spell and psionic repair power can repair a damaged—but not completely broken— psionic item.
Charges And Multiple Uses[edit]
Some items are limited in power by the number of charges they hold or the number of power points they contain. Normally, charged items (such as dorjes) have 50 charges at most. If such an item is found as a random part of a treasure, roll d% and divide by 2 to determine the number of charges left (round down, minimum 1).
Similarly, items that contain power points (such as psicrowns) have a number of points equal to 10 × the manifester level of the creator. If such an item is found as a random part of a treasure, roll d10 to determine the number by which the manifester level is multiplied. Market prices given on the tables are always for fully charged or fully powered items. (When an item is created, it is fully charged or fully powered.) For an item that’s worthless when its charges or power points run out (which is the case for almost all charged or powered items), the value of the partially used item is proportional to the number of charges left. For an item that has usefulness in addition to its charges, only part of the item’s value is based on the number of charges left.
Some items are single-use and expendable. Such items can often be found in sets or groups.
Some psionic items, particularly weapons, have an intelligence all their own. Only permanent psionic items (as opposed to those that are single-use items, those that have charges, or those that store power points) can be intelligent. (This means that psionic tattoos, power stones, and dorjes, among other items, are never intelligent.) In general, less than 1% of psionic items have intelligence.
Some psionic items are cursed—incorrectly made, or corrupted by outside forces. Cursed items might be particularly dangerous to the user, or they might be normal items with a minor flaw, an inconvenient requirement, or an unpredictable nature. Randomly generated items are cursed 5% of the time.
Magic Items For Psionic Characters[edit]
Many magic items can aid psionic characters. The table below provides some possibilities.
In the following sections, each type of psionic item, such as armor or psionic tattoos, has a general description, followed by descriptions of specific items.
General descriptions include notes on activation, random generation, and other information. The Armor Class, hardness, hit points, and break DC are given for typical examples of some types of psionic items. The Armor Class assumes that the item is unattended and includes a -5 penalty for the item’s effective Dexterity of 0. If a creature holds the item, use the creature’s Dexterity modifier as an adjustment to Armor Class in place of the -5 penalty.
Some individual items, notably those that simply store psionic powers, don’t get full-blown descriptions. Simply reference the power’s description. Assume that the power is manifested at the minimum level required to manifest it, unless otherwise noted. Increasing the manifester level so increases the cost of the item; see Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values, substituting “spell” for “power” and “caster level” for “manifester level” as appropriate. The main reason to make the manifester level higher, or course, would be to increase the potency of the power.
Raising the manifester level is common for powers such as astral construct, the duration of which increases with the level of the manifester.
Items with full descriptions have their abilities detailed, and each of the following aspects of these items is summarized at the end of the description.
Aura: Most of the time, a detect psionics power will reveal the discipline associated with a psionic item and the strength of the aura an item emits. This information (when applicable) is given at the beginning of the item’s notational entry. See the detect psionics powerdescription for more information.
Manifester Level (ML): The next entry in the summary indicates the level of the creator (or the manifester level of the powers placed within the item, if this level is lower than the actual level of the creator). The manifester level provides the item’s saving throw bonus, as well as range and other level-dependent aspects of the powers of the item (if variable). It also determines the level that must be contended with should the item come under the effect of a dispel psionics power or a similar situation.
This information is given in the form “ML X,” where “ML” is an abbreviation for manifester level and “X” is an ordinal number representing the manifester level itself.
For psionic tattoos, power stones, and dorjes, the creator can set the manifester level of an item at any number high enough to manifest the stored power, but not higher than her own manifester level. For other psionic items, the item itself determines the manifester level. In this case, the creator’s manifester level must be as high as the item’s manifester level (and prerequisites may effectively put a higher minimum on the creator’s level).
Slots: Most psionic items can only be utilized if worn or wielded in their proper slots. If the item is stowed or placed elsewhere, it does not function. If the slot lists “none,” the item must be held or otherwise carried to function.
Price: This is the cost, in gold pieces, to purchase the item, if it is available for sale. Generally speaking, psionic items can be sold by PCs for half this value.
Weight: The notational entry for many items ends with a value for the item’s weight. When a weight figure is not given, the item has no weight worth noting (for the purpose of determining how much of a load a character can carry).
Description: This section of a psionic item describes the item’s powers and abilities. Psionic tattoos, power stones, and dorjes refer to various powers as part of their descriptions (see Chapter 5 for details on these powers).
Construction: With the exception of artifacts, most psionic items can be created by a manifester with the appropriate feats and prerequisites. This section describes those prerequisites.
Requirements: Certain requirements must be met in order for a character to create a psionic item. These include feats, powers, and miscellaneous requirements such as level, alignment, and race or kind. The prerequisites for creation of an item are given in the summary immediately following the item’s manifester level.
A power prerequisite can be provided by a character who knows the power, or through the use of a power completion or power trigger psionic item or a psi-like ability that produces the desired power effect. For each day that passes during the creation process, the creator must expend one power completion item (such as a power stone) or 1 charge from a power trigger item (such as a dorje), if either of those objects is used to supply a prerequisite.
It is possible for more than one character to cooperate in the creation of an item, with each participant providing one or more of the prerequisites. In some cases, cooperation may even be necessary, such as if one character knows some of the powers necessary to create an item and another character knows the rest.
If two or more characters cooperate to create an item, they must agree among themselves who will be considered the creator for the purpose of determinations where the creator’s level must be known. (It’s sensible, although not mandatory, for the highest-level character involved to be considered the creator.)
Typically, a list of prerequisites includes one feat and one or more powers (or some other requirement in addition to the feat). When two powers at the end of a list are separated by “or,” one of those powers is required in addition to every other power mentioned prior to the last two.
Cost: This is the cost in gold pieces to create the item. Generally, this cost is equal to half the price of an item, but additional material components might increase this number. The cost to create includes the costs derived from the base cost plus the costs of the components.
When generating a random item, you can use Table 7-2: Random Psionic Item Generation as a substitution for standard magic items of similar potency.
In general, psionic armor and shields follow the rules for the equivalent magic items, as far as enhancement bonuses, stacking, and other base abilities are concerned. An enhancement bonus is treated the same way regardless of whether magic or psionics created it.
Psionic armor and shields differ from standard and magical equivalents in that psionic armor and shields incorporate one or more crystals into their construction. Particularly powerful armor and shields may be entirely composed of brightly hued or transparent crystals.
Special Qualities: Roll d%. An 01 result indicates the item is intelligent, an 02-31 result indicates that the command thought (if any) is psionically imprinted and whispers itself into the user’s mind on acquisition, and 32-100 indicates no special qualities.
Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes also extraordinary powers and special purposes. Substitute manifesting for spellcasting as required.
Although they generally follow the rules for magic weapons, psionic weapons differ from mundane and magic weapons in their design. Most possess some crystal components, and some are composed entirely of crystal. Many also sport intricate traceries along the blade or haft, which flicker now and then as if channeling flows of psychic energy.
Psionic weapons have enhancement bonuses ranging from +1 to +5. They apply these bonuses on both attack and damage rolls when used in combat. This enhancement bonus is effective for the purpose of overcoming creatures with damage resistance that is penetrated by magic. All psionic weapons are also masterwork weapons, but their masterwork bonus on attack rolls does not stack with their enhancement bonus on attack rolls.
Weapons come in two basic categories: melee and ranged. Some of the weapons listed as melee weapons can also be used as ranged weapons. In this case, their enhancement bonus applies to either type of attack.
In addition to enhancement bonuses, psionic weapons can also have the special abilities detailed here. A weapon with a special ability must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus.
The rules for manifester level (caster level) for weapons, additional damage dice, ranged weapons and ammunition, ammunition and breakage, hardness and hit points, critical hits, and weapons for unusually sized creatures for psionic weapons are the same as for magic weapons. Psionic weapons do not have the chance to generate light (though some may be mentally audible; see below).
Mentally Audible: Fully 30% of psionic weapons telepathically mutter, croon, recite battle poems, scream, or produce other mental “noises” when first drawn, at first blood, or when they slay a significant enemy. Such a weapon cannot be concealed from creatures within 15 feet when it is drawn, nor can its mental “soundtrack” be curbed.
Activation: Usually a character benefits from a psionic weapon in the same way a character benefits from a mundane weapon—by attacking with it. If a weapon has a special ability that the user needs to activate, then the user usually needs to project a command thought (a standard action).
A dorje is a slender crystal that contains a single power. Each dorje has 50 charges when created, and each charge expended allows one use of that power. A dorje that runs out of charges is just a simple crystal.
Physical Description: A typical dorje is an elongated crystal of one color (or colorless), between 8 inches and 10 inches long and about ½ inch thick, which can weigh up to ¼ pound. Occasionally, a dorje is decorated with carvings or inscribed runes along a face of the crystal. A typical dorje has AC 7, 7 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 18.
Activation: Dorjes use the power trigger activation method, so manifesting a power from a dorje is usually a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. (If the power being manifested has a manifesting time longer than 1 standard action, however, it takes that long to manifest the power from a dorje.) The user must have the power on his class list, even if he knows the command thought. Additionally, to activate a dorje, a character must hold it in hand and point it in the general direction of the target or area to be affected.
Dorjes are normally created at the minimum manifester level required to manifest the power, and powers that can be augmented are not augmented when stored in a dorje. A dorje’s wielder cannot augment the power contained within the dorje. However, dorjes can be created at a higher manifester level than required to manifest the power. In this case, the dorje that holds an augmentable power is augmented, to the limit of the manifester level and the power’s augmentation maximums, if any.
Minor | Medium | Major | Power Level1 | Market Price |
01-50 | — | — | 1st | 750 gp |
51-95 | 01-05 | — | 2nd | 4,500 gp |
96-100 | 06-65 | — | 3rd | 11,250 gp |
— | 66-95 | 01-05 | 4th | 21,000 gp |
— | 96-100 | 06-50 | 5th | 33,750 gp |
— | — | 51-70 | 6th | 49,500 gp |
— | — | 71-85 | 7th | 68,250 gp |
— | — | 86-95 | 8th | 90,000 gp |
— | — | 96-100 | 9th | 114,750 gp |
1. Some dorjes have higher manifester levels than the minimum power level, which give them commensurately higher costs.
A power stone stores a power (or collection of powers). A stored power can be used only once, “flushing” the stone. Using a power stone is basically like manifesting a power.
Physical Description: A power stone is a thumb-sized chunk of crystal that possesses a barely detectable interior glow if it holds a low-level power. A stone imprinted with more than one power or a higher-level power glows more brightly, but never enough to provide illumination in its own right. A typical power stone has AC 7, 5 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 20.
Activation: To activate a power stone, a manifester must mentally address it, as described below. Once the power is known, the power stone is treated as a power completion item, except as noted below.
Addressing the Stone: A power stone must be “addressed” before a character can use it or know exactly what power it contains. Doing this requires a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + power level). Once a particular power stone has been addressed, it is not necessary to do so again. Addressing a power stone in advance lets a character proceed directly to the next step when the time comes to use it.
Using a stone’s stored power after addressing the stone requires holding the stone and willing the power’s manifestation, as if manifesting a power normally (a standard action). Activating a power stone is subject to disruption just as manifesting a power normally would be.
Additionally, the user must meet the following requirements.
- The user must have the power on his or her class list.
- The user must have the requisite key ability score.
If the user meets these requirements and has a manifester level at least equal to the power’s manifester level, she can automatically manifest the stored power without a check. If she meets both requirements but her own level is lower than the power stone’s manifester level, she has to make a manifester level check (1d20 + manifester level), against a DC equal to the power stone’s manifester level +1, to manifest the power successfully. On a failure, the user must succeed on a DC 5 Wisdom check to avoid brainburn (see below). A natural roll of 1 on this check is always a failure.
Brainburn: When something goes awry, the user of a power stone improperly manifests the stored power. The resultant psionic surge persists for 1d4 rounds, unless the power stone is flung farther than 100 feet away or is destroyed. This surge deals 1d6 points of damage per power stored per round and arcs across multiple targets, similar to energy current, except the damage type isn’t specified. The user is the primary target, and one nearby ally is the secondary target (chosen at random).
Determine Effect: A power successfully manifested from a power stone works exactly as if manifested normally. Assume the power stone’s manifester level is always the minimum level required to manifest the power for the character who imprinted the stone, unless the creator specifically desires otherwise. A power stone that contains an augmentable power with a higher manifester level than necessary is augmented, to the limit of the manifester level and the power’s augmentation maximums, if any.
A power stone’s glow fades when its stored power is flushed.
The manifester level for a standard power stone is the minimum manifester level needed to manifest the power (unless otherwise specified).
d% | Type |
01-10 | Cryptic |
11-20 | Dread |
21-30 | Marksman |
31-60 | Psion/Wilder |
61-80 | Psychic Warrior |
81-90 | Tactician |
91-100 | Vitalist |
Power Stone Type | Number of Powers |
Minor | 1d3 powers |
Medium | 1d4 powers |
Major | 1d6 powers |
Minor | Medium | Major | Power Level | Market Price |
01-50 | — | — | 1st | 25 gp |
51-95 | 01-05 | — | 2nd | 150 gp |
96-100 | 06-65 | — | 3rd | 375 gp |
— | 66-95 | 01-05 | 4th | 700 gp |
— | 96-100 | 06-50 | 5th | 1,125 gp |
— | — | 51-70 | 6th | 1,650 gp |
— | — | 71-85 | 7th1 | 2,275 gp |
— | — | 86-95 | 8th1 | 3,000 gp |
— | — | 96-100 | 9th1 | 3,825 gp |
1. Reroll if a level is indicated for a manifesting class that does not have powers of that level, such as 7th level powers for a psychic warrior.
A psicrown is a special headband that stores several powers. Unlike dorjes, which can contain a wide variety of powers, each psicrown is of a certain kind and holds specific powers. Different psicrowns typically come in three types: Lesser, Greater, and True. The type of a psicrown and its manifester level determine the reservoir of power points it contains when created. These power points can be spent only on the powers that are contained in the psicrown.
Physical Description: A typical psicrown is large enough to fit on the head of a Medium creature. Some psicrowns are actually crownlike and heavily adorned, while others are simple headbands with crystal centerpieces. All psicrowns weigh less than 1 pound. Most psicrowns are metallic, but one could potentially be composed of any material. Metallic psicrowns have AC 10, 10 hit points, hardness 8, and a break DC of 28. Psicrowns made of psionically reinforced silk have AC 7, 10 hit points, hardness 2, and a break DC of 24. Psicrowns can be made from other, more exotic materials, but all have at least the strength and durability of psicrowns made of psionically reinforced silk.
Activation: Psicrowns use the power trigger activation method, so manifesting a power from a psicrown is usually a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. (If the power being manifested, however, has a longer manifesting time than 1 standard action, it takes that long to manifest the power from a psicrown.) When activating a psicrown, the user spends power points contained in the psicrown on any one of the psicrown’s powers. Powers activated from a psicrown can be augmented with additional power points from the psicrown itself, so long as the total number of power points spent does not exceed the user’s manifester level. The user can’t manifest a power from a psicrown using his own power points.
Each morning, when a manifester meditates to gain his power points, he can also imbue one psicrown with a portion of his power so long as one or more of the powers in the psicrown is on his class power list and his manifester level is at least equal to that of the psicrown. Imbuing a psicrown with this power restores to it a number of power points equal to the psicrown’s daily recharge value, but the manifester’s power point reserve is reduced by a number of power points equal to the manifester level of the psicrown. A psicrown cannot gain more than its daily recharge value in power points per day and a manifester cannot imbue more than one psicrown per day.
A list of psicrowns can be found here.
Psionic tattoos are designs scribed on the skin that manifest powers on their wearers. The wearer doesn’t get to make any decisions about the tattoo’s effect—the manifester who scribed it has already done so.
Psionic tattoos can vary in size, but a creature can wear only a total of twenty tattoos at one time—attempting to add one more than this maximum causes all previously scribed tattoos to simultaneously activate. A psionic tattoo fades away after use.
Physical Description: A typical psionic tattoo is a colorful pattern of tiny, interlacing lines within a larger design. This design can be as simple as a circle or a star, or as complex as an artist wishes to make it. Once it is scribed, a tattoo’s design does not change. A psionic tattoo usually covers an area of skin no more than 5 inches in diameter (larger ones could be designed, but would have no added effect).
Scribing and Transferring Tattoos: The manifester level of a psionic tattoo is the minimum level required to manifest the scribed power. A psionic tattoo can contain only powers of 3rd level or lower.
A psionic tattoo inscribed on a wearer is potentially more mobile than a mundane tattoo. As a standard action, the wearer can will the tattoo to move to a different part of his body or onto the skin of any willing (or unconscious) living creature he touches. If the wearer of a psionic tattoo is rendered unconscious or is slain, another sentient creature can touch the tattoo while willing it to leave the previous wearer and apply itself to the new creature as a standard action. Psionic tattoos cannot overlay one another.
Identifying Psionic Tattoos: In addition to the standard methods of identification, the wearer of a tattoo can concentrate on it and attempt to gain some sense of how it would feel if activated. A successful DC 13 Intelligence check provides a hint to the tattoo’s effect.
Activation: A psionic tattoo produces its effect when touched by its wearer and willed to do so. This activity, called “tapping” the tattoo, is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. A psionic tattoo fades away after use. The following rules govern the use of psionic tattoos.
A creature must have an appropriate physical surface on which to scribe the pattern (thus, incorporeal creatures or creatures with impermanent flesh, such as fire elementals, cannot use psionic tattoos).
Tapping a psionic tattoo provokes attacks of opportunity. A successful attack (including grappling attacks) against the wearer forces a concentration check. A wearer who fails this check cannot concentrate effectively on the tattoo to use it. The tattoo remains untapped, and the wearer can make another attempt.
A character can trigger the effects of another’s psionic tattoo if the other wearer is unconscious. It is a full-round action to find, touch, and concentrate on an unconscious creature’s tattoo in order to tap it.
The manifester level for a standard psionic tattoo is the minimum manifester level needed to manifest the power (unless otherwise specified).
Minor | Medium | Major | Power Level | Market Price |
01-47 | 01-08 | — | 1st | 50 gp |
48-100 | 09-75 | 01-50 | 2nd | 300 gp |
— | 76-100 | 51-100 | 3rd | 750 gp |
This is a catchall category for any psionic item that doesn’t fall into the other groups. Anyone can use a universal item (unless specified otherwise in the description).
Physical Description: Varies.
Activation: Usually command thought, but details vary from item to item.
Artifacts are extremely powerful. Rather than merely another form of magical equipment, they are the sorts of legendary relics that whole campaigns can be based on. Each could be the center of a whole set of adventures—a quest to recover it, a fight against an opponent wielding it, a mission to cause its destruction, and so on.
Unlike normal psionic items, artifacts are not easily destroyed. Instead of construction information, each artifact includes one possible means by which it might be destroyed.
Artifacts can never be purchased, nor are they found as part of a random treasure hoard. When placing an artifact in your game, be sure to consider its impact and role. Remember that artifacts are fickle objects, and if they become too much of a nuisance, they can easily disappear or become lost once again.
Creating Psionic Items[edit]
To calculate the costs involved in creating a psionic item, refer to Magic Item Creation in the Core Rulebook. Although that information deals with magic items, the price formulas presented there are identical to those for psionic items. Creating psionic armor and psionic weapons is almost identical to the requirements for creating magic armor and magic weapons.
Creating Dorjes[edit]
To create a dorje, a character needs a small supply of materials, the most obvious being a chunk of crystal or the crystal shards of the dorje to be carved from or assembled. The cost of the materials is subsumed in the cost of creating the dorje—375 gp × the level of the power × the level of the manifester. Dorjes are always fully charged (50 charges) when created.
Alternatively, if you want to have a higher manifester level in the dorje, you must pay for the dorje as if the power was one level higher for each additional two manifester levels you want. For example, energy missile is a 2nd-level kineticist power with a minimum manifester level of 3rd. If you wanted to make a dorje of energy missile with a manifester level of 8th (five higher than the minimum), you would pay for the creation of the dorje as if energy missile was a 5th-level power. If an augmentable power is incorporated into a dorje at a higher manifester level than the minimum level required to manifest the power, each discharge of the power from the dorje is augmented to the limit of that higher manifester level.
The creator must know the power or powers to be imprinted in the dorje (or must have the power available in some other form). The act of working on the dorje costs a number of power points per day equal to the power point cost of the power that is being embedded in the crystal of the dorje.
Crafting a dorje requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the base price.
Item Creation Feat Required: Craft Wand.
Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (jewelry), or Craft (sculptures).
Creating Power Stones[edit]
To create a power stone, a character needs a supply of incense and fine etching tools, the cost of which is subsumed in the cost of encoding the power stone—12.5 gp × the level of the power × the level of the manifester. All materials used to imprint a power stone must be fresh and unused. A character must pay the full cost for encoding each power stone no matter how many times she previously has imprinted the same power.
Alternatively, if you want to have a higher manifester level in the power stone, you must pay for the power stone as if the power was one level higher for each additional two manifester levels you want. For example, energy missile is a 2nd-level kineticist power with a minimum manifester level of 3rd. If you wanted to make a power stone of energy missile with a manifester level of 8th (five higher than the minimum), you would pay for the creation of the power stone as if energy missile was a 5th-level power. If an augmentable power is incorporated into a power stone at a higher manifester level than the minimum level required to manifest the power, when the power is manifested from the power stone, it is augmented to the limit of that higher manifester level.
The creator must know the power or powers to be imprinted in the power stone (or must have the power available in some other form). The act of encoding triggers the power as if it had been manifested, costing the character an appropriate number of power points.
Power stones which cost 250 gp or less require only 2 hours to create. Encoding a power stone with a cost over 250 gp requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the base price (or fraction thereof).
Item Creation Feat Required: Scribe Scroll.
Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (jewelry), or Craft (sculptures).
Creating Psicrowns[edit]
To create a psicrown, a character needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being a circlet, crown, or the pieces of the crown to be assembled. The cost of the materials is subsumed in the cost of creating the psicrown. The cost varies depending on the type of psicrown being created: Lesser, Greater, or True.
Lesser psicrowns cost 100 gp × the level of the power × the level of the manifester for each power stored in the psicrown. Greater psicrowns cost double the cost of lesser psicrowns (200 gp x the level of the power x the level of the manifester for each power stored in the psicrown), and true psicrowns cost double the cost of greater psicrowns (400 gp x the level of the power x the level of the manifester for each power stored in the psicrown). Psicrowns are always created with full power points and have a maximum number of power points equal to ten times the psicrown’s daily recharge rate. The type of a specific psicrown determines its daily recharge rate: 1/3 psicrown’s manifester level (round down) for lesser, 1/2 psicrown’s manifester level (round up) for greater, and equal to psicrown’s manifester level for true.
If the manifester level of the psicrown is higher than the minimum manifester level needed to manifest the highest level power stored in the psicrown, you must pay for the psicrown as if the highest-level power is one level higher for each additional two manifester levels. The minimum manifester level for a psicrown is 8th for lesser, 11th for greater, and 14th for true.
The creator must know the power or powers to be imprinted in the psicrown (or must have the power available in some other form). The act of working on a psicrown costs a number of power points per day equal to the cost of manifesting each of the powers associated with the psicrown once per day.
Crafting a psicrown requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the base price.
Item Creation Feat Required: Craft Staff.
Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (jewelry), or Craft (sculptures).
Creating Psionic Tattoos[edit]
The creator of a psionic tattoo must have a patch of uncovered skin free of hair and fur, and at least a few containers in which to mix dyes. In addition, he needs special materials, usually to create dyes. The costs for materials and dyes are subsumed in the cost for scribing the psionic tattoo— 25 gp × the level of the power × the level of the manifester. All ingredients and materials used to scribe a psionic tattoo must be fresh and unused. The character must pay the full cost for scribing each psionic tattoo. (Economies of scale do not apply.)
The cost of a crawling tattoo varies from that of a regular psionic tattoo —50 gp × the level of the power × the level of the manifester.
The user of the psionic tattoo is both the manifester and the target; therefore, powers that target another creature cannot be stored in psionic tattoo form. Powers with a range of personal can be made into psionic tattoos, but they cost double the price of standard psionic tattoos unless they are psychometabolism (healing) powers.
The creator must know the power to be placed in the psionic tattoo (or must have the power available in some other form). The act of scribing triggers the power as if it had been manifested, costing the character an appropriate number of power points.
Scribing a psionic tattoo which costs under 250 gp requires 2 hours to create. Scribing a psionic tattoo which cost more than 250 gp requires one day.
Item Creation Feat Required: Scribe Tattoo.
Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (calligraphy), Craft (paintings), or Profession (Scribe).
Creating Universal Items[edit]
To create a universal item, a character usually needs some sort of equipment or tools to work on the item. He also needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being the item itself or the pieces of the item to be assembled. The cost for the materials is subsumed in the cost for creating the item. Universal item costs are difficult to formularize. Refer to Table: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values and use the given item prices as a guideline. Creating an item costs half the market value listed.
If powers are involved in the prerequisites for making the item, the creator must know the power to be placed in the item (or must have the power available in some other form). The act of working on the item requires a payment of power points appropriate to the power or powers associated with the item during each day of the item’s creation.
Crafting a universal item requires one day for each 1,000 gp of the base price.
Item Creation Feat Required: Craft Wondrous Item.
Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft or an applicable Craft or Profession skill check.
Special Psionic Materials[edit]
In addition to psionic items with imbedded powers, some substances have innate special properties.
Crystal, Deep: Deep crystal is crystal of above-average quality found at the hearts of large veins or deposits of mundane crystal (see below). Deep crystal is renowned for its strength and its psionically resonant nature. Mundane crystal is used for many items of psionic manufacture, such as dorjes, power stones, and psicrystals. Deep crystal is a better grade.
While a weapon made of deep crystal is no different from a mundane crystal weapon for a nonpsionic character, a psionic wielder of a deep crystal weapon can focus psionic power through it, increasing the damage that weapon deals. As a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the wielder can channel psionic power into a melee weapon or ranged weapon made of deep crystal. For 2 power points, the deep crystal weapon deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. The weapon will stay charged for 1 minute or until it scores its next hit. Bows, crossbows, and slings bestow this power on their ammunition. All missile weapons lose this effect if they miss. However, they may be recovered and charged again.
Any weapon made of deep crystal costs 1,000 gp more than its noncrystal counterpart. Any item could potentially be made out of deep crystal. Because deep crystal armor is considered to be made out of metal, druids cannot wear it.
Deep crystal has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and a hardness of 10.
Crystal, Mundane: Mundane crystal can be used in place of metal in weapons or armor, using a special forging process. The fortified crystal possesses the properties of a similar masterwork steel weapon or armor, except for visual appearance.
Weapons and armor made of mundane crystal cost the same amount to make as their masterwork counterparts. Any item could potentially be made with mundane crystal. Because mundane crystal armor is considered to be made out of metal, druids cannot wear it.
Mundane crystal properly forged has 25 hit points per inch of thickness and a hardness of 8.